Jérôme Thomas and Roland Auzet merge their respective world to create a surprising symphony. In order to imagine this oneiric world and orchestrate their tête-à-tête, they call on Robert Hébrard, brilliant luthier who crafted them curious objects-instruments – globes, spheres and totems – built on the principle of roly-poly toys. Beneath the fingers of our two object tamers, they come to life, swirl, tintinnabulate, draw musical variations…
These two men who juggle in their mind orchestrate a score of a new kind, composed of balls, electro, percussions, drums, bags of M&M’s and other bamboos. As sorcerer’s apprentices they explore the laws of gravity, experiment those of the propagation of waves and thus make up a oneiric world of illusions and sounds. Picture quality mingles with poetry of sounds distilled live by Wilfried Wendling. A musical circus that gives you as much to hear than to listen to.